
Trina Solar Wins “Top Performer” Award by DNV GL for the 4th Time

Trina Solar has been recognized by DNV GL as the “Top Performer” among global PV module manufacturers. This is the fourth time that Trina Solar has received this award and is one of only three PV companies globally that have won the award three times in a row.

The award was designed in 2014 by the global quality assurance and risk management company as a way to compare PV modules in terms of reliability. A score is tallied across four major tests: thermal cycling, damp heat, dynamic mechanical load and potential induced degradation.

As the industry's leading global quality assurance and risk management company, DNV GL provides world-renowned testing and consulting services for the energy value chain, including renewable energy and energy efficiency. DNV GL provides professional services covering wind, solar, conventional power generation and sustainable energy use. Their testing standards are recognized throughout the industry.

For the past five years, DNV GL has tested over 300 bills of material (BOM) for more than 50 PV module manufacturers. Nine of the top ten global module manufacturers and more than 70% of the latest Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) “Tier 1” manufacturers have participated in the PV Module Product Qualification Program (PQP). 2018 once again saw Trina Solar at the top of the score charts achieving the highly acclaimed “Top Performer” Award.

As Trina Solar’s ongoing efforts to maintain quality products and standards, the award acts as a significant milestone and constant reminder of where we strive to be. We would like to thank all our employees for the hard work they have put in to secure this award!


The DUOMAX Twin Module

By the end of 2017, Trina Solar's total PV module shipments had exceeded 32GW, ranking first in the world. Today, the company offers a comprehensive PV module portfolio, including the monocrystalline DUOMAX twin module. This product combines high efficiency bifacial cells with a dual glass construction, and helps increase power generation as well as reducing BOS and LCoE.

Integrating Trina Solar’s industry-leading solar modules, state-of-the-art tracker systems and world-class inverters, Trina Solar launched its smart PV solution, TrinaPro this March. TrinaPro can significantly reduce the system LCoE by combining premium components, optimized system integration and smart O&M interconnection. The tracker system which is part of TrinaPro has been certified by DNV GL for its advanced power generating capacity.


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